Thank you and Farewell: As of January 2020, the nonprofit organization United Educators Association for Affordable Housing has been expanded and renamed to United Educators for Housing and Literacy.
Our work has inspired a desire to not only secure a basic allowance for affordable housing for every K-12 public school teacher, but to improve literacy for kids throughout the United States.
Please visit our new website (www.uehl.org) and we look forward to seeing you in our next chapter!
We thank the community for all your support and encouragement we received throughout the years!
To promote public policy which contributes to scalable and affordable housing for public school teachers (K-12) through awareness and advocacy. Our goal is the creation of a federally funded Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) to support the vital role teachers play in society by preparing the next generation through education.

Proposal: The departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Education, and the Department of Defense must come together to create and allocate funds for a Housing Allowance for all Public School teachers.
Preamble:Each and every day in the United States, thousands of public school teachers are becoming displaced due to increasing rents and stagnant pay. Because teachers are still paid less than other professions and they require comparable education, training and skills, it has become a field of charity. Teachers are being forced to live outside their communities in which they serve in order to survive. Furthermore, the demand for public school teachers is rising due to the lack of interest and economic sense. According to the California Teachers Association, “With about a third of the teaching force nearing retirement, the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning estimates that California alone will need an additional 100,000 teachers over the next decade”. This is alarming because there is a decline in enrollment at Colleges, Universities and Trade school for teaching credential programs. There has been mentioned that 20 percent of all new hires leave the classroom within three years. In urban districts, the numbers are even worse—with close to 50 percent of newcomers fleeing the profession during their first five years of teaching. Clearly Americans must recognize that this is a problem and that we all have a fiduciary duty to ensure that our teachers are living comfortably as they educate and prepare America’s children for the world ahead of them.
Because we value our soldier of education, we must provide them with a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) as we do the military. The BAH would be determined by zip code. Because unions will always be the go to for salary negotiations, our sole purpose is on housing and NOT their salaries. We are simply advocating for a supplemental payment to be issued to all public school teachers from the US Government dedicated strictly to their housing. UEAAH is seeking policy transfer and diffusion of the US military code on BAH. Nothing has to be re-invented, because we have a model to look at for guidance-the military.
If the U.S does not incentivize public school teachers and compete with other profession, it is evident that the public school shortage of teachers is going to become worse and the children or America will suffer.
Petition: BASED ON THE FOREGOING ISSUES AND CONCERNS ……… We, the Undersigned, as demonstrated by our individual signatures to this Petition, hereby affirm our SOLIDARITY with the United Educators Association for Affordable Housing (UEAAH) in supporting Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for all public school teachers, to help end the displacement and the shortage of public school teachers.
Click here to join our fight towards obtaining Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
for all K-12 Public School teachers across the nation!
Established in April 2013, UEAAH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing affordable housing to all San Francisco Bay educators. We are comprised of working professionals who graciously volunteer their time. UEAAH is located in San Francisco and advocates for all K-12 public school educators across the nation.

As we move forward in our mission to obtain a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), we need as many teachers as possible to register with UEAAH to demonstrate to the federal government that teachers in-fact want a federally funded housing allowance to mitigate housing displacement.
All information gathered is for our records only and will remain confidential. We will use data to create statistical evidence and graphs to support our mission.
Click here to register and join our fight towards obtaining Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
for all K-12 Public School teachers across the nation!
To complete our Teacher Survey, click here.

Azalea Renfield is the Former Founder and Executive Director and current Board Member for United Educators Association for Affordable Housing, INC (UEAAH). Azalea is responsible for the strategic direction of UEAAH and oversees all areas of the company including policy, grant development, programs and services, asset management and partnerships. Azalea has earned her MPA from the University of San Francisco and a Master's in Human Resource Management from Golden Gate University. She also has received her bachelor’s in American Politics and Communication from the University of California, San Diego. Azalea had the honor of being selected as a recipient of the University of California, Washington Center (UCDC) Academic Program in our Nation’s Capital-Washington, D.C.
Education is the single most important catalyst in Colleen's life, so joining UEAAH as President of the Board gives her the opportunity to pay it forward. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Social Science from Metropolitan State University in the Twin Cities, where she volunteered as the Director of Community Relations for a charitable beer company. Having moved to San Francisco 3 years ago when she accepted a job with the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, Colleen is currently pursuing her Master of Public Affairs and Practical Politics degree from the University of San Francisco, while working as a full time administrative professional. A certified volunteer mediator with Community Boards of San Francisco, she believes effective and honest communication gives advocacy its power. Colleen believes the mission of UEAAH is reasonable, attainable and imperative to the future of the public educational system.

Kate Glassman began her career working as a third grade teacher in a Title I-funded school in Charlotte, North Carolina, which fueled her passion for educational equity. Seeking to learn as much as possible about successful models of public education, Kate spent 15 months working for the Ministry of Education of Singapore as a high school argumentative writing teacher and Princeton in Asia Fellow. While teaching in Singapore, Kate witnessed her students thrive academically as a result of the government’s significant investment in smart policies that both targeted student achievement and increased the professional capacity of teachers. Kate’s experiences in the classroom have inspired her to dedicate her career to researching, promoting, and designing evidence-based social policies to support public school communities. Kate currently conducts policy research for the United Educators Association for Affordable Housing (UEAAH). She also teaches undergraduate students as Head Graduate Student Instructor of Wealth and Poverty, an upper division public policy course taught by Robert Reich. Kate will earn her Master of Public Policy degree from UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy in May 2016.
e this invaluable member of our team. Drew Carlyle is truly a joy to be around and makes it a pleasure to come to work every single day.
We're proud to partner with the following non-profit housing organizations and thank them
for their continued support of our mission
The Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County (HLC) was created when a group of nonprofit leaders and service providers began discussions about the housing crisis, as well as the deeply entrenched obstacles to affordable housing development in communities throughout San Mateo. Those conversations led to HLC’s incorporation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2001. HLC was founded to build a network of people who support the development of new housing (particularly affordable housing), to build community support for housing, and to advocate for policies that address the root causes of the housing shortage.

UEAAH runs on 100% volunteer power. When you make a donation, you're supporting our mission to help public school teachers achieve sustainable and affordable housing. We thank you for any support you're able to give!
If donating by check or money order, make payable to UEAAH, Inc. and mail it to:
United Educators Association for Affordable Housing, Inc.
PO Box 31513
San Francisco, CA 94131
Or donate on-line by clicking below.
United Educators Association for Affordable Housing Inc is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN/tax ID number: 46- 2594875). Your donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.